This Escape Velocity Plug-In was hand crafted by the same person who produced the fighter speech for Escape Velocity. These sounds are simply additional voices to add a little variety to the game.
To use this plug-in, you need Escape Velocity 1.0.1 or higher. Just throw this plug-in in the EV Plug-Ins Folder and start Escape Velocity. When you send commands to your fighters (not escorts), you will hear the additional voices from time to time. This "About" file doesn't have to be in the Plug-Ins folder.
These sounds are copyright 1996 by Patrick Delahanty. Ambrosia Software, Inc. has the rights to do with these sounds as they please. Everyone else can only distribute them in this unmodified package. Escape Velocity is copyright 1996 by Ambrosia Software, Inc. is a trademark of The Internet Company.